How to Advertise

The Conference provides three types of advertising opportunities for individuals, companies, and organizations:

  • Insertion of an item (marketing material) into the tote bags given out to registrants.
  • Inclusion of ads of various sizes and placement in the three main conference publications .
  • A banner ad or text alert in the online mobile Conference App.

Payment is by credit card or check. For details, please see the Ad Submission Form.

Item Insertion in Tote Bags

You may provide an item to be inserted into the tote bags that are given out to conference participants. There is a charge of $400 for an item, and you must provide 1000 copies. Items are typically a one-page flyer or brochure. If you want to provide a different kind of item, write to for prior approval. To place an order to insert an item, and for more information, download the Ad Submission Form, which gives instructions for payment and submission.

Advertising in Conference Publications

Ad Specifications

For information about the types and sizes of ads and the specification requirements, please see below and download the Ad Submission Form.

Where Ads will Appear

Daily Planner and Syllabus: All conference attendees will receive a Daily Planner (print edition only) and a digital, interactive Syllabus. An optional printed version of the Syllabus is a popular purchase for many attendees. The same ads will appear in all three editions.

Banquet Journal: A smaller booklet will be given to everyone who attends the banquet on Thursday night. The sizes and prices for ads in the Banquet Journal are shown in the Ad Submission Form.

Deadlines and Discounts

We must receive ad orders, full payment, and artwork for ads by June 15, 2016.

IAJGS member organizations may deduct a 15% discount if we receive payment and materials by June 15.

Advertising space is limited. Once capacity is reached, additional submissions will not be accepted.

Full details are in the Ad Submission Form.

Types and Prices for the Daily Planner and Syllabus

Regular prices for ads of various sizes and placement are shown in the table below.

Ad Type Cost
Full Page $450
Half Page $225
Quarter Page $115
Business Card $85
Inside Front Cover $500
Inside Back Cover $500
Back Cover $500
Back Cover Color Option $1000

Dimensions and Image Sizes

The table below shows the final dimensions of each type of ad and the range of image sizes accepted (minimum of 300 dpi, maximum of 600 dpi). Images must be uploaded in one of the following formats: JPG/JPEG, TIF/TIFF, PNG, GIF, PDF.

Ad Type Height x Width
Image at 300 dpi
Image at 600 dpi
Full Page 9.5 x 7.0 2850 x 2100 5700 x 4200
Half Page 4.5 x 7.0 1350 x 2100 2700 x 4200
Quarter Page 4.5 x 3.25 1350 x 975 2700 x 1950
Business Card 2.0 x 3.5 600 x 1050 1200 x 2100

The Conference App

A banner ad costs $400, while a text alert costs $100. For details about required sizes and submission, please write to